WebAidR Digitals

Create PDF Lead Magnets

Cloud / Web Software
Purchases: 14

Prices on this store are in: United States Dollar(s)

Create Instant Flipbooks, eBooks & Reports in 2 Minutes Without Writing a Word

How It Works

1. Import Content or Start from Scratch

Simply enter the url when you start a new project.  We'll start loading the content in the background, ignoring all the site navigation, adverts, sharing icons and anything you wouldn't want in an ebook.
Or import from Word, Google Docs, or Start from an existing template.
2. Choose a Template
Hundreds of templates are available covering every niche and business. 
You can customize anything from fonts, styles, images, and colors.
Increase Traffic
Publish ebooks and content to directories and websites, that'll send more traffic to your business
Generate More Leads
Use as a Lead Magnet to add more subscribers to your email list.  (Training provided)
Sell Your eBooks
For more Sales, Leads, Customer Engagement. Become an Author, Create Information Products. All done quickly and easily. No Design or Technical skills necessary.
3. Customize
Using our easy to use design editor, you can change anything in the ebook quickly and easily.  Edit text, import more documents, and preview your changes.  
Build a Better Business...
Grow Your List Faster
By creating a downloadable ebook (called a lead magnet) in exchange for an email address.
Converting your existing blog posts into a lead magnet is proven to increase your conversions.
Make More Sales
Everyone knows converting your ideas, experience,
and know how into an ebook is the perfect way to generate an income online.
However you have to present a great looking,
high quality design thats looks like it's been put together by a professional. 
Transform any cheap looking ebook into a stunning design thats bang up to date!
Engage Your Readers with the Quality They Deserve
Boring textual PDFs are an instant turnoff.
Convert your content into to beautifully designed ebooks with just a few clicks.
More Power Features include:
Instant Access to Millions of Images
Make your ebooks standout by using stunning,
curated collections of royalty free images from Unsplash & Pixabay.
You can also upload your own into our media manager
Table of Contents & Page Numbering
With 1-Click, Designrr will create your table of contents for your ebook,
including page numbering and customizable headers and footers.
By clicking on a link in the table of contents, readers can navigate to other parts of the document.
Create Instant Flipbooks, eBooks & Reports in 2 Minutes Without Writing a Word
We've Just Removed the 2 Biggest Hurdles in Creating an eBook
1. Writing the Content
2. Getting it Designed
Designrr creates a beautifully designed ebook direct from your Website, Microsoft Word, Google Docs...
One-click export produces a beautiful ebook ready for publishing.   
Flipbook & PDF options are all included.
Click "Get It" For More FREE Info

© 2024 WebAidR Digitals
Support email: monty@webaidr.com Support website: https://m99k.com/contact-monty